Thursday, January 28, 2016

Blog Discussion Group One

Blog Discussion Group One 
Blog post due at 11:55pm on February 9 and comment due at 11:55pm on February 12.

Politics, the State, and Nation.

1. Discuss some of the reasons why governments may exhibit inefficiency and ineffectiveness. Can anything be done to overcome these problems, or are they inherent in the nature of government?

2. Are some countries or world leaders more nationalistic than others? Too nationalistic? If so, what can be done about it?

3. What are some examples of states with more than one nation? Would it be better if such states broke up into separate states? Why?

Presidentialism & Parliamentarism

4. Which is more democratic: presidentialism or parliamentarism?

5. Should the Unites States change its single member district/plurality system for elections to the House of Representatives to a proportional representation system?

Saturday, January 16, 2016