Saturday, March 26, 2016

Blog Discussion Group Seven

Blog post due at 11:55pm on March 29 and comment due at 11:55pm on April 1.


  • To what extent are the elitist and hierarchical tendencies of Mexican politics found in liberal democracies?
  • What bringing Mexico into a free-trade agreement with the United States and Canada a good idea or a bad idea for the three countries? Why?
  • Mexican corporatism brings various social actors (e.g., labor, business professionals) into an officially sanctioned ruling coalition.  While guaranteeing certain privileges for these groups (e.g., job security for unionized labor and subsides for businesses), it also limits such freedoms as choosing when to strike or how to allocate capital.  Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of such arrangements.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Blog Discussion Group Six

Blog post due at 11:55pm on March 22 and comment due at 11:55pm on March 25.


  • Is the British prime minister more powerful than the president of the United States, or vice versa? Is Parliament prime minister more powerful than Congress, or vice versa?
  • How does the power of the prime minister compare with that of the U.S. president?
  • Given a choice between serving as the president of the United States or as the prime minister of Great Britain, which job would you prefer? Why?

Friday, March 4, 2016

Blog Discussion Group Five

Blog post due at 11:55pm on March 8 and comment due at 11:55pm on March 11.

Democracy and Democratization

  • Discuss evidence for and against the proposition that “democracy promotes peace.”
  • Would you favor national referendums to settle such issues as abortion, gun ownership, tax rates, or other controversies, or should we leave it to our elected representatives and the courts to make authoritative decisions on these issues?
  • Would you define democracy primarily in political or economical terms, or both about equally?