Saturday, February 27, 2016

Blog Discussion Group Four

Blog post due at 11:55pm on March 1 and comment due at 11:55pm on March 4.

Political Parties and Party Systems
  1. Is the United States dominated by a “power elite”? If so, who constitutes it? If not, are there any groups or individuals who have exceptional influence? Do the masses matter at all? Are perhaps all democracies dominated by some power elite?
  2. Are political parties an adequate or inadequate vehicle for channeling political opinions and actions? Is it better to be an independent voter rather than one who identifies with a party?
  3. Are political parties important to the functioning of a democracy?
Interest Groups
  1. Discuss evidence for and against the proposition: “All political conflicts—including ethnic, religions, gender, and generational conflicts—ultimately boil down to class conflicts. Rich people tend to be politically favored and poor people are not, regardless of ethnicity, religion, gender, or age.”
  2. Are interest groups good or bad for politics? Should they be limited somehow?

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Blog Discussion Group Three

Blog post due at 11:55pm on Feb. 23 and comment due at 11:55pm on Feb. 26.

Nondemocratic Rule
1. What are some of the essential differences between democracies and authoritarian regimes?
2. What are authoritarian leaders mainly concerned in their political rule?

Political Culture
3. Do you agree with Huntington that today’s world is increasingly characterized by a “clash of civilizations”?
4. How does political culture differ from political ideology?

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Blog Discussion Group Two

Blog post due at 11:55pm on Feb. 16 and comment due at 11:55pm on Feb. 19.

Political Ideology

1. In addition to being faiths, are all religions political ideologies?

2. Should religion and politics be kept strictly separate, or is that impossible?

3. Why is Marxist theory called utopia?

4. How were Marx’s ideas developed by succeeding generations?

5. What are the different approaches used by democratic socialism and communism to pursue for equality?