Saturday, February 27, 2016

Blog Discussion Group Four

Blog post due at 11:55pm on March 1 and comment due at 11:55pm on March 4.

Political Parties and Party Systems
  1. Is the United States dominated by a “power elite”? If so, who constitutes it? If not, are there any groups or individuals who have exceptional influence? Do the masses matter at all? Are perhaps all democracies dominated by some power elite?
  2. Are political parties an adequate or inadequate vehicle for channeling political opinions and actions? Is it better to be an independent voter rather than one who identifies with a party?
  3. Are political parties important to the functioning of a democracy?
Interest Groups
  1. Discuss evidence for and against the proposition: “All political conflicts—including ethnic, religions, gender, and generational conflicts—ultimately boil down to class conflicts. Rich people tend to be politically favored and poor people are not, regardless of ethnicity, religion, gender, or age.”
  2. Are interest groups good or bad for politics? Should they be limited somehow?


  1. Question 2: Political parties can be successful in representing political opinions, but can become misguided if they are not flexible with societal changes. This leads to many voters not being able to identify with major political parties. This is the reason why now days younger voters identify with interest groups more than political parties because they feel they are being better represented on issues that the parties are not addressing. To be an independent voter runs its downfalls as well. For example, if you are an independent voter in NC, you cannot participate in the primary elections, leaving you no voice in any of the presidential candidates for either of the two major political parties. This results in a loss vote all together or a forced affiliation in order to vote. This is one of the reasons our country has such a low voter turnout. People have become disenchanted with the two major political parties whom leave no room for other parties who may represent a good portion of the population to exist. In the parliamentary system, political parties are more adequate in channeling political opinions as gives a greater chance for a smaller party to be represented depending on the voter turnout for that party.

    1. Your post makes some great points. I believe the americans as a whole get too caught up in democrats and republicans. The way I look at it is who is the best potential president running? that means you can either vote for democrat one time and maybe republican another time. Being an independent voter in NC means you can't vote for the primary which is a big deal. It would be a good idea for that to be changed and someone who is an independent can vote for whoever they'd like in the primary. I agree as well with the fact that younger voters are choosing interest groups rather than just one party to agree with. It seems as if democrats and republican parties will always dominate the USA and nothing seems to be changing in the future. From my experiences when talking with people about political parties, they usually won't say they are democrat or republican.

    2. I also agree that we get to caught up in which party is which, because of the fact, I believe that as for me I am affliated with one party, but I believe and agree with some things that the other party believe, so does that make me myself a liberal. So which party do we need to believe in, or should we concentrate more on the person and not the party that theyre in. So why do people keep who theyre for a secret anyways, are they re ashamed or is it that theyre scared of what people are saying.

    3. I also agree that we get to caught up in which party is which, because of the fact, I believe that as for me I am affliated with one party, but I believe and agree with some things that the other party believe, so does that make me myself a liberal. So which party do we need to believe in, or should we concentrate more on the person and not the party that theyre in. So why do people keep who theyre for a secret anyways, are they re ashamed or is it that theyre scared of what people are saying.

    4. You make an excellent point about the low voter turnout in the US. Many people nowadays do not want to be tied or labeled to a particular party because then they are associated with all the views and policies of that party. For example, democrats are known for wanting stricter gun control, so if you register as a democrat then it is implied you also want stricter gun control or vice versa if you register as a republican. But if you register as an independent to avoid being labeled by your “implied beliefs” then you are excluded from voting in primary elections. So you are left with two choices: register with a party you may or may not fully support or register independently and be excluded from certain elections. It’s no wonder voter turnout is so low when registering to vote confines you to two options that require you to relinquish something either way.

  2. Are political parties important to the functioning of a democracy?
    I believe political parties are very important to the functioning of a democracy. For example, in the US having a democrat party and republican party, it separates peoples beliefs. You are allowed to believe whatever you want to believe. So people can decide whether they'd like to be a democrat or a republican or other. If there was just one party, I think it wouldn't be considered a true democracy. The people can choose what side they want to agree with and the policies that the specific side adheres too per usual. Then by choosing that side they vote for whom they believe will best represent that side. I can't imagine the USA not having political parties, because peoples views are so different. Pretty much nobody has the same exact view as another person which is crazy to think about.

    1. I also couldn't imagine the US without two political parties, but I disagree that we couldn't have one party. I understand that people have separate views and beliefs, but I also think that is what makes us a great country. I feel that if we were to pull those two parties together instead of competing with one another, we may be able to make some real change. I think if we didn't have to compete and worked toward the same goals, we could get several things accomplished.

    2. My question is why do we have to have labels on our parties? Why can't we just have a group of people running without labels and just saying their opinions. I believe it would also cause less controversy over issues. Some people are raised believing they are either Democrat or republican so when it comes to voting it's very hard to waiver from those views. Also you might share views with both parties and not know which to choose. If there was no labels and people just shared what they felt strongly about then I believe it would be easier to connect and relate with. So I would say it is possible to have a democracy without parties and still function properly.

    3. I agree that even within the concept of political parties, there is still a massive amount of individualism. In that sense, the system really doesn't hold down the people, because no matter how many or how little parties exist, they are still entitled to live by the things they abide in. It does separate a lot of people if they need to categorize all the beliefs of certain groups, but with the mindset that everyone is indeed different, no matter what party they belong to, we can all acknowledge that there is a level of individualism.

    4. Jeremy

      I highly agree with you your statement and overall emphasis of how political parties play a vital role in the functioning of a democracy. I myself also think that in a country like the United States, it is important to have more than just one political party as there are such a wide range of beliefs, opinions, and ideas that must be seperated. Political parties provide the connection between politics and society and allow for the different ideas to be expressed.

  3. Are political parties an adequate or inadequate vehicle for channeling political opinions and actions? Is it better to be an independent voter rather than one who identifies with a party?

    At this moment in time, political parties seem to be an inadequate vehicle for channeling political opinions and actions. Political parties don't seem to be for the people today. They seem to be more interested in maintaining power and protecting their own interest. Political debates seem to be more about who is better than the other candidate versus how real change is going to be made in our country. Sadly, the public gets so wrapped up in the drama of it all that forget that we have real issues that we need to attack.

    I think it is better to be an independent voter instead of identifying with a party. Personally, I wouldn't always vote for a democratic candidate simply because he/she's a democrat and vice versa. If there was a candidate that seems to want to change the country for the better and discuss some real plans of action to make those changes, I would vote for that person regardless of party.

    1. I believe you are absolutely right. The candidates now have made the upcoming election such a popularity contest. I think social media has become huge role in that as well. Now everyone wants to uphold their image more than talk about the changes that need to be made. If they're worried about there image they shouldn't be running. celebrities are coming out of the wood works now trying to run for president and I think it just shows what has happened over the years to the presidential election.

  4. Political parties are important to the functioning of a representative democracy, like in the United States, because they serve as counter weights on a political balance scale. Without defined political parties I am not sure a representative democracy could function. In a given party there are certain beliefs/values that our shared among all members so even if everything is not agreed on, they still share some common ground. If you took political parties away and each individual had their own values and agenda then it would become difficult to accomplish anything, like with direct democracy. We need separate unified parties to represent us so that our politicians can get things accomplished and so that one party does not have too much control.

  5. political parties an adequate or inadequate vehicle for channeling political opinions and actions? Is it better to be an independent voter rather than one who identifies with a party?

    I believe that political parties have just recently become inadequate for the fellow American. There isn't as much of a distinguish between parties but rather a duel of who is the bigger person. Before in past debates it was about who could back up their parties beliefs in changing America. Today it's about who can get more attention than the other candidate. I believe that social media has become a huge impact on this situation. I think that being independent falls in the same category as the other parties. Its become to much of a popularity contest.

  6. 5. Are interest groups good or bad for politics? Should they be limited somehow?
    Interest groups are both good and bad for politics

    Good - The can give a voice to small groups who otherwise would not have a voice in public policy. The can offer expertise in a particular area since that is the only area they are interested in.

    Bad - They spend a lot of money to gain influence from politicians for a small specific group of people and many politicians may feel obligated to give favorable conduct since they received so much money from the interest group. They often only care about the issue for their small group without thinking about the overall affect it will have on the public in general.

    If they are successful in getting laws passed for their interest group that particular law only helps that small group.

    Yes, I think they should be limited in the amount of money that they can contribute to politicians so that their influence can be limited and a politician will not feel beholden to the interest group and make decisions based upon the amount of money they receive rather than the best interests of the constituents.

    3. Are political parties important for the functioning of a democracy?

    Yes, political parties are important for the functioning of a democracy and here is why:

    Political parties provide policy platforms describing what it is that the political party stands for. This allows people to gather information and make a decision about whether they want to join the political party because they share the same values and perspectives.

    Political parties may help uneducated voters (who for some reason may not know anything about a particular candidate) decide who to vote based on the parties’ values in general and not necessarily the individual candidate’s values.

    Political parties can help members of the party fund their campaigns which may allow individuals to run for office who may otherwise not be able to afford to.

    Political parties can help shape the direction of the laws of the country by putting in place their agenda.

  7. Are interest groups good or bad for politics? Should they be limited somehow?

    Interest can be good or bad depending what they are. A quote from the article Interest Groups and Social Movements stats"Attempts by American women's groups, for example, to raise money specifically toward the election of feminist legislators have generated spin-offs elsewhere"(Bashevkin pg.5)It goes on to explain that feminist groups are trying to get more woman involved in politics. This group isn't exactly a bad influence on politics but it also isn't to much of an extremist unless they went so far as to put for extreme feminist in the politics then ti might be more issues. As to if they should be controlled I only believe ones that should be controlled are the ones who are trying to control political figures and to have them do what they want to happen. Besides that is a group isn't harming anyone and affecting politics then I do not believe they should be controlled. It is their freedom of choice.

  8. 3. The intent of most people in any society is to categorize people by any means possible. "Are you a republican or a democrat?" This is not a commendable reason to justify political parties, but they do exist for a better reason. In the same political system that we currently live in, a lot of policies are structured around the idea of this categorization. Without it, the people would likely be in the midst of anarchy. There could be another political system that was built from the ground up that instituted this policy with no categorization. Perhaps there would not be a group that people identify as, but specific beliefs of those parties that people can mix. There could be potential policies the politics could endorse coinciding with these beliefs perhaps. Managing such a broad political system would be challenging, which likely has to do with why things are the way they are. The voting laws and beliefs of all the people are divided very specifically because of this categorization. This makes it difficult to imagine any other way. Categorizing "just makes it easier." Generalizing about political beliefs supports a concise system. Discussion and debate of the topic is simple as well as conforming with the widespread beliefs.

  9. Are interest groups good or bad for politics? Should they be limited somehow?
    I think interest groups are very bad for politics, because I think that the people running for public office should either use their own personal money, or raise the money somehow, I think Bernie Sanders is absolutely correct when he talks about the big banks needs to keep their money and business to their selves. other interest groups also needs to leave the politic arena alone, because I think they cause more harm than not, because they dont have an invested interest in either candidate. Interest groups are governmental organizations which seek to influence public policy. Which employers organizations consumer groups. They are lobbylist that have made a bigger fight in this political Presidental campaign and that is once again one of the things that I am for Bernie Sanders for. The Chase banks, Gold Sachs, but why are theyre helping certain people out. So when would it stop and another problem I have is why is a standing Governor, Senator, Mayor of a state running while theyre still holding a seat, but another question could be is this why theyre higher interest rates on credit cards. For those other interest groups why not come out and say How money have you given a particular candidate.

    1. I disagree with this point. While yes, many interest groups, depending on the group may be fighting for the interest of big companies or corporations such as big oil, big pharma, or the financial arena; not all interest groups represent those types of parties. There are many interest groups who represent smaller groups that don't have a voice or who need a stronger voice such as Veteran's groups, environmental activists, or PETA for animal rights. Such interest groups have helped get their causes more visibility and result in influencing pass laws either at the local/state level or at the federal level. So what it boils down to is are you in favor of protective interest groups or promotional interest groups and are either good for politics? I say yes, but it would help it we didn't operate them in a pluralist manner.

  10. Are interest groups good or bad for politics? Should they be limited somehow?
    I think interest groups are very bad for politics, because I think that the people running for public office should either use their own personal money, or raise the money somehow, I think Bernie Sanders is absolutely correct when he talks about the big banks needs to keep their money and business to their selves. other interest groups also needs to leave the politic arena alone, because I think they cause more harm than not, because they dont have an invested interest in either candidate. Interest groups are governmental organizations which seek to influence public policy. Which employers organizations consumer groups. They are lobbylist that have made a bigger fight in this political Presidental campaign and that is once again one of the things that I am for Bernie Sanders for. The Chase banks, Gold Sachs, but why are theyre helping certain people out. So when would it stop and another problem I have is why is a standing Governor, Senator, Mayor of a state running while theyre still holding a seat, but another question could be is this why theyre higher interest rates on credit cards. For those other interest groups why not come out and say How money have you given a particular candidate.

  11. 3. Political parties are important to the functioning of a democracy as they encourage voters to get involved, allow compromise and bargaining within a democratic system, and offer an easier to understand ticket of items to support or be against. Without political parties, there is a greater chance of mob rule as a result of the quick response changing opinions of the masses, instead of some level of stability and cohesiveness granted by a party system.

    1. I agree. Political parties play a big role in the functioning of a democracy. They educate voters and help them get involved. They help both sides, voters and candidates - they help with campaigns, and they keep them controlled and well organized.

  12. 3. Political parties are important to the functioning of a democracy as they encourage voters to get involved, allow compromise and bargaining within a democratic system, and offer an easier to understand ticket of items to support or be against. Without political parties, there is a greater chance of mob rule as a result of the quick response changing opinions of the masses, instead of some level of stability and cohesiveness granted by a party system.

    1. I agree. Political parties provide that extra layer of supervision for the government. Not having political parties results in mobs(as you have mentioned), monarchy, corruption, etc. As frustrating as it is especially during this political season political parties have a rightful place in our society.


    I believe that all in all interest groups come with a lot of benefits for politics and that they should not be limited. Through their democratic process, many people have the freedom to express their opinions and suggestions. They also have the ability to motivate legislators regarding their beliefs. To conclude interest groups allow for better representation of interests. Whether it is voting rights and the environment, protecting civil rights, uniting people for collective action, interest groups serve a democratic process.

    1. I agree with you that interest groups do come with a lot of benefits and should not be limited. Adding limitations to those could hinder any progress or potential those groups have. it is apart of the democratic way and beliefs to have freedom of speech. I have also found that interest groups influence the political leaders to support a particular cause. for political leaders it is in there best interest to support a controversial topic of one of those interest groups because it gives them exposure.

  14. Are interest groups good or bad for politics? Should the be limited somehow?

    An interest group is also known as a(n) pressure group that advocate or discourage changes within public policy without trying to be elected through the government system. In reality interest groups are helpful towards politics for it instigates positive changes that need to be conducted, but yet unrecognized by a higher chain of power. Government is consistent in covering particular topics in forming a greater nation against every other country, but interest group help raise recognition that most politicians turn a blind eye to. Yes, in retrospect interest groups can be looked on in a negative manor as a terrorist group. America alone has a long standing of advocate groups getting poor names on account of their method of action, such as P.E.T.A.. They can be viewed as a riotous movement towards the reduction animal intake and to produce a more green country, but the way they go about it is both violent and socially looked down upon. So the way the groups take action in bringing across their means of communication determines weather or not they're good for politics or not. That's how elections are inquired too. Granted suppressing freedom of speech has been an un-useful tactic in limiting interest groups, I do believe they should have stringer guidelines.

  15. Are political parties important to the functioning of a democracy?
    Political parties are an important part of a functioning democracy. Political parties provide a way for citizens to actively participate in political activity. Political parties focus on areas that they want to impact including public policy and try to build consensus among a group. Political parties within a democracy also create links between citizens and government, levels of government in a federal system and branches of government in a separation of powers. Without the parties in a democracy you have the potential for citizen exclusion which leads to assumptions of what the government is doing as well as the ability for the government to become corrupt without any overseeing.

    1. I agree with your answer, political parties are one of the "minor" foundations of creating a successful democracy. Political parties address and attend to particular points of interest throughout the nation that allows them to gain supporters and funding to fulfill political promises, which helps build the economy and country up onto a higher, more industrialized country. Political parties in a form of way reconnect tradition and political culture back into our lives and political power; which is what we built our motives on since the Mayflower. Political powers help keep power separated in a way, and reduced the changes of a dictatorship by reconnecting us (the people) back into the world around us. America is built of modernization from other countries, with a "unique" form of democracy, but we thrive off the exploration of other countries, such as drainage system or reservoirs. Political parties help bring the image of the 21st century to light in a form of way by reconnecting the people to helping build up our political foundation.

  16. Are political parties important to the functioning of a democracy?

    Having separate political parties allows for us citizens to support a candidate that best fits our needs as society. Most times in our democracy the republican ad democratic parties have opposing views of popular policies and laws. For example women rights with abortion. One party may say it is a woman’s right to choose what she does with her body meanwhile the other party can disagree saying that abortions are inhumane and killing an unborn child and should be outlawed. Our beliefs and morals become separated. One problem with this is not only does it separate the people it separates the parties themselves and often time the initial motive behind that particular party gets lost. This is one of the major issues I have with politics is that the candidates start to gravitate and look out for those who either open their wallets or share the same beliefs. I negate that to say that competing political parties mobilize citizens behind particular views of society as well as through their performance in the government. Essentially the different political parties are essential to a democracy and without them we would have some other form of government such as a dictatorship.
